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Is a Bearded Dragon the Right Pet for Your Family? Take Our Quiz to Find Out!

A bearded dragon sitting on a log with a desert background
Bearded Dragon, Desert Background

Bearded dragons are often celebrated as great pets for beginners, but is one really right for your family? With their friendly demeanor and fascinating behavior, bearded dragons can make excellent companions. But they do have specific needs that might not be ideal for every household. Read on to learn more about these amazing reptiles and see if they are a good fit for your family!

Kid-Friendly Facts About Bearded Dragons
  • Friendly Nature: Bearded dragons are known for their gentle and friendly nature. They often enjoy being held and interacting with their human companions.

  • Wave Hello!: One fun behavior bearded dragons exhibit is called arm-waving. They sometimes lift one of their front legs and wave it in a circular motion—almost like they're saying hello! This behavior is thought to be a sign of submission or recognition, often used to communicate that they are not a threat to other dragons or their human companions.

  • Cool Colors: Bearded dragons can come in a variety of colors and patterns, and their beards can even change color to show their mood.

  • Daytime Buddies: Unlike many other reptiles, bearded dragons are diurnal, meaning they are active during the day. This makes them a great pet for families who want a companion that matches their schedule.

  • Unique Movements: Bearded dragons are known for their quirky head-bobbing behavior. Head-bobbing is often a way for bearded dragons to establish dominance or show territoriality. It can also be a mating behavior, where males bob their heads rapidly to attract females.

Basic Care Tips for Families
  • Habitat: Bearded dragons need a well-maintained terrarium with proper lighting and heat. They require a warm basking spot and a cooler area to regulate their body temperature. **UVB Lighting** is essential for their health, as it helps them synthesize vitamin D3, which is crucial for calcium absorption and preventing metabolic bone disease.

  • Diet: Their diet consists of vegetables, leafy greens, and insects like crickets or mealworms. It's important to provide a balanced diet to keep them healthy.

  • Handling: Bearded dragons are typically gentle and can be great for kids to handle, but young children should always be supervised to ensure the pet is treated gently and safely.

  • Cleaning: Their habitat needs regular cleaning to ensure they stay healthy. This includes removing uneaten food, cleaning up waste, and occasionally doing a deep clean of the entire enclosure.

  • Commitment: Bearded dragons can live up to 10-15 years, so it’s important to be ready for a long-term commitment before bringing one home.

Is a Bearded Dragon the Right Pet for Your Family? Take Our Quiz to Find Out!

1. How Much Time Can You Devote to Pet Care?

- A) We have plenty of time to spend maintaining an enclosure and caring for a pet.

- B) We can manage a bit of time each day, but we’re usually busy.

- C) We’re often too busy to spend time on pet care daily.

2. Are You Comfortable with Handling Insects?

- A) Yes, we’re fine with feeding live insects and even think it's cool!

- B) We might be a bit squeamish, but we could adjust.

- C) No way! We don’t want to deal with bugs.

3. How Old Are Your Kids?

- A) 8 years or older – they understand how to be gentle and are interested in reptiles.

- B) 5-7 years – they’re curious but might need help with handling.

- C) Younger than 5 – they’re still learning how to interact with animals.

4. How Do You Feel About Setting Up a Specialized Habitat?

- A) We’re excited about setting up a proper habitat and making sure it's just right.

- B) We’ll do it, but we don’t want it to be too complicated.

- C) We prefer pets that don’t need a lot of setup.

5. Are You Ready for a Long-Term Commitment?

- A) Absolutely! We want a pet that will be with us for many years.

- B) We think we’re ready, but we’re not sure about a long-term commitment.

- C) We prefer pets that don’t live very long.

  • Mostly A’s: A bearded dragon could be a perfect fit for your family! You seem ready for the responsibilities and are excited about everything that goes into caring for these fascinating reptiles.

  • Mostly B’s: A bearded dragon might be a good pet, but you should be sure you’re ready for the commitment. Consider doing a bit more research to make sure you’re comfortable with their needs.

  • Mostly C’s: A bearded dragon might not be the best match for your family right now. They require a specific level of care and commitment that may not align with your current lifestyle.

Key Considerations for Families
  • Time and Attention: Bearded dragons need daily attention and a clean environment.

  • Feeding Live Insects: Their diet involves insects, which can be a dealbreaker for some.

  • Lifespan: Bearded dragons can live 10-15 years, making them a long-term commitment.

If your family is ready for the responsibility, a bearded dragon can be a wonderful pet that provides years of companionship and fascination. Think it over, take the quiz, and decide if you're ready to welcome a scaled friend into your home!


We’d love to hear from you! Did your family decide if a bearded dragon is the right pet? Share your results and thoughts in the comments below! And if you'd like to see these amazing reptiles up close, come visit us at the zoo! Our bearded dragons love meeting new friends, and it's a great opportunity for your family to learn even more about these fascinating pets.

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